Western style wedding gowns

A lot of places offer western style wedding gowns for veiled women. I dug into the Hijab Magazine 2007 Catalog, and found some less flattering dresses there. I mean, I’m really into egyptian fashion, but some of the clothes just can’t make it to my wish list.. Like my mexican friend said to me when shopping in the City Stars mall; “they are into something, but they just can’t get there”… HereΒ are the best wedding gowns from the 2007 edition:

I think I’d rather trust turkish designers on this one… I don’t know why but somehow they manage to make the dresses way more elegant, with way less sequined stuff. I want one like those underneath from Bala Couture! Now that’s flawless glam for the most important day of them all πŸ™‚

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18 thoughts on “Western style wedding gowns

  1. Habayeb says:

    I like the 1st three gowns…..however yeaaaaaah turkish gowns are sooo pretty masha’allah…..i wanna wear one of those on my wedding lol althou i wud be the 1st one wearing that in the entire history of indian marriages in my family hehe :p but who said i wanna have a typical indian marriage? and more so who said im gonna marry an indian? lol yeah im whacked up…ignore me! :p

    ohhh and i LOVE that tune thats in the Bala couture site. The 1st time i heard it was in the Dubai bride show and its stuck in my head now. Takes me back into the ancient arab times.

  2. Jana says:

    Turkey truly does have the most gorgeous wedding and evening gowns, I’m so gonna buy mine from there when the time comes inshallah πŸ™‚

    Also I have a request for everyone, I want to change my blog background, and I’ve set up a temp. blog so you can see what it looks like: http://hijabstyle-test.blogspot.com/

    Plz. can you leave a comment on that post with your opinions!

    Sorry basbousa, I hijacked your post lol..

  3. michelle says:

    Those are beautiful, beautiful gowns!

    I found a great site for bridesmaids, or even cocktail party gowns @: http://www.elegantmart.com/

    You’ll have to check them out!

  4. irem says:

    Last year i designed my weddings gowns πŸ™‚ i am very provied of it.

    Alt er billigere og elegant i tyrkia. hvis du har tanken pΓ₯ rett plass og finner det rette personen for Γ₯ sy.. resten bare kommer seg selv πŸ™‚

  5. Eva says:

    hi,vist this website for turkish dresses πŸ™‚

  6. sana says:

    how can i get one of those my wedding is close so plz help me get my wedding gowns specially i wear a veil jazakom lah khayr

  7. green says:

    hi i really like the 3rd wedding dress, do u no how i can purchuse it

  8. Marzieh says:

    I can not see the pics, please help. I even tried “SHow Pics” but it si not working for me

    I need some muslim and hejab gowns.

    my email: marzieh.ameri@gmail.com

  9. Maranda says:

    I really would like one of these veils can anyone tell me how I can get one because I am having the hardest time finding them.

  10. Shamekia says:

    i like dress#7. my sis is muslim and GETTING MARRIES!!! I am helping her search for a beautiful gown. We are in need of finding a sister to make a dress that she likes. She is in Chicago, but if you all know someone, she can be measured for the dress to be made. Thanks so much.

  11. Anela says:

    mash’allah so pretty i bosnian muslim and i wud definatly wear this on my wedding!!!we i get married insh’allah :))

  12. Shireen says:

    The white wedding dresses just don’t do it for me. It’s a bit old fashioned and does not really give the impression of Islamic wear. It reminds me of a classical church wedding. Cape Town muslims in the last 2 – 3years have been going for the colourful dresses mainly being oxblood red, sea green, silver and gold dresses and they look stunning. Being from Cape Town myself I wore a silver wedding dress 10years ago with the traditional silver medoura pinned into the most beautiful tiara style ;which is common in our culture here. So yeah white just does not do it for me…..

    • Ruh says:

      Although some brides are more creative, white is still the preferred colour, even here in Cape Town. Others would be ivory, peach and maroon and shell pink. Other colours are usually reserved for bride’s maids and the rest of the bridal party. But I agree with you, nothing can be compared to the medoura! It is absolutely stunning and can be pinned in to a variety of styles!
      These dresses are not bad, but just does not appeal to me. Some are too drab while others are just seriously overdone! That is best left for the bridal cake. Uffff. Hard finding good Turkish designs online….
      The skintight sleeves in the second photo is just absolutely awful! I had to look twice!
      I like how the long veils are draped over the shoulders! ^^;

  13. i loved their all nice and beuty. i like all

  14. mariam says:

    sooooooooooo beautiful all machallah??really it helped me so much ?becoz my wedding is s near and i wanted somes ideas about islamic wedding dress???that not available so much today??any way now i feel proud that im muslim wearing my dear hijab??
    thanku?and salamealikom

  15. raima says:

    i do really love it.i wish i cud have one of those nice dress..hmmp so i can wear on my wedding day…[hehe] iloved it..

  16. nayab says:

    these dresses are beautiful and i now know what i want to wear on my wedding (10 years from now :P) but right know i am a senoir in high school and i have no idea what i kind of dress i want to wear for prom :S can you give me some ideas?? please help a sister out!!! πŸ˜€

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