Tag Archives: islamic

The Hijablog in Chilean Mujer + New Press Section

This is just a quick info post more than anything else, as I’m having some issues with the internet connection at home and had to stop working on the ootd post I was putting pictures together for (hopefully, that one should be up in the morning provided that the problem gets solved).

Here I’m just going to share two pages of a four page article on hijab fashion bloggers in the Chilean magazine Mujer. Sadly, the quality is pretty bad (does anybody have a good page for pdf to picture conversion?).


In addition, if you are curious about the previous publications The Hijablog has been featured in but do not care to scroll through all my posts to find out, you can check out my brand new press page.

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Good read about the “hijab trend”

Muslimah Mediawatch published an interesting post today about “modesty chic” and the pros and cons of this trend.

“Fashion designers are now starting to see head scarves as the latest hot fashion trend. In an IslamOnline article, various designers were quoted about this new trend. Two words that came up often were”modesty” and “chastity”. Apparently, fashion designers want to show that modesty, chastity, and elegance are not mutually exclusive. Although the designers said that they weren’t focused solely on Muslim women, I’m sure that Muslim women are definitely a market that is increasingly being focused on by the fashion industry.

As a hijabi, maybe people think I would be elated by this article, but I’m actually a bit cautious. For one thing, isn’t the one of the objectives of hijab to take the focus off of outer appearances? One of the most common arguments given by hijab apologists is that the hijab prevents women from only being judged by how they look. It allows women to be judged for who they truly are. If headscarves are suddenly made into the latest fashion trend, doesn’t it suddenly lose that purpose? Hasn’t it become the latest commodity that women must have? As Muslims, should we support that? That’s why I was a bit surprised that the article was featured on an Islamic website. The commercialization of hijab seems antithetical to what hijab is all about.”

Read more about it here.

What is your opinion. Would you like the hijab to be “like it has always been”, are you all excited about the hijab going mainstream, or do you see both the good sides and the bad sides with it all?

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Sporty hijabi?

I’m kinda lazy, so I don’t have the problem of finding hijab-fitting sportswear. I’d rather go for a walk all dressed up 🙂 But what about all you sporty hijabis out there? What alternatives have you got? I didn’t find much for you, but this is what I got:

First, there is Ruqaya Al Ghasara, a 24-year-old sprinter from Bahrain with a sponsored hijab.

Then there are the famous “Capsters”, made by Dutch designer Cindy van den Bremen. The “Capsters” have become extremely popular, not only for muslim women, but also for other sporty people, including men. You can get the capsters here.

Or you can just wear sporty al Amirah’s. Shop for sporty al Amirah’s here.

Then it is the outfit. How can you stay comfortable, follow the requirements of hijab, and still be in style? Primomoda features the best of what I’ve seen of hijabified sportswear so far!

Then there is clothing from AlJlbia.

Ugh… I’m still not convinced… Some of the sportswear is pretty nice.. I think it’s just me and my lazyness. Better stay on the couch for now! Would you wear any of this?

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Made in Iran

The 3rd Int’l Islamic Fashion Show was held in Iran recently. Not much to say, really. The models look angry to be there, and the fashion in not all that… Not much matching, but here are some pictures to keep you updated:

Personally if Iranian style (not the “new” iranian style), I’d prefer the fashion that’s inspired by the old times. Looks a lot more creative, and at least the outfits match:

What do you think?

*Update: One of my dear readers posted this link, with an article about this event, including some more (nicer) pictures from the show!

I think this looks cool, but the model needs to cheer up!

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The Hegab Fashion Magazine

HegabmagI recently bought this big catalog, with a collection of the best looks of the Hegab Fashion Magazine of 2007…  Get one yourself here! Many nice styles, here are some of those that I found interesting;

Hijab looks

Hijab looks

The catalog also features some of the best of 2007 steps to wrap hijab. I’m loving it! What do you think about these looks, and egyptian hijab fashion in general?

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